2. Get extra rebate if you use PLUS and ELITE highway if you use more than RM200/month (http://www.plusmiles.com.my/)
3. Car pool with ppl to go to work or other destinations (http://www.carpoolworld.com/)

4. Recylce newspaper and cans
5. Analyse energy consumption eg changing incandescant bulbs to energy saving bulbs in your house

6. Plant your own vege such as pandan, papaya, potato (if permitted by your environment)

7. Turn to budget airline promotion (http://www.airasia.com/, http://www.tigerairways.com/, http://www.jetstar.com/)

8. Using smaller cc car which consume less fuel (without jeapordize safety)
9. Ask for discount in local grocery shop (usually it works if only you ask)
10.Exchange books and dvd with your friends